Metropolis, the World Association of Major Metropolises, is the leading international organization that gathers cities and metropolitan regions with more than a million inhabitants into an organizational network. Created in 1985, the Metropolis Association is represented by more than 130 members from across the world. It operates as an international forum for exploring issues and concerns common to all big cities and metropolitan regions.
Metropolis also manages the Metropolitan Section of UCLG (United Cities and Local Governments). Metropolis has been central in developing the Circles of Sustainability approach through its Taskforce on Approaches and Methods. Metropolis is based in Barcelona and Paris with regional secretariats around the world.
Visit the Metropolis Policy Transfer platform to learn more about integrated urban governance. Based on voluntary contributions and institutional partnerships the aim is to build a global resource of case studies on urban innovation with an active network of experts so you can connect with peers in your field.