The practical propositions developed in the No Regrets Charter are based on a systematic elaboration of the meaning of those domains, with each domain understood in terms of seven subdomains or perspectives (mapped on this page for the domain of culture).
A Definition of Culture
The cultural is defined as a social domain that emphasizes the practices, discourses, and material expressions that over time express the continuities and discontinuities of social meaning of a life held-in-common.
In other words, culture is ‘how and why we do things around here’. The ‘how’ is how we practice materially, the ‘why’ emphasizes the meanings, the ‘we’ refers to the specificity of a life held-in-common, and ‘around here’ specifies the spatial, and also by implication the temporal particularity of culture. The concept of ‘culture’ had its beginnings in agriculture and cultivation, with subsidiary senses of ‘honour with worship’ of cultura, which in the sixteenth century were linked to understanding of human growth and development. Questions of power are ever-present in the cultural domain in relation to contested outcomes over social meaning.
Cultural issues and questions of social meaning are often ignored in discussions of climate change adaption. Such issues and questions are critical — no less important than ecological, economic and political engagement — and in some ways become all the more critical the more that they are passed over.
Perspectives and Aspects of Culture
The seven principles in the cultural domain of the No Regrets Charter are organized around the following seven perspectives (and the seven aspects that in turn sit beneath each of those variables):
- Identity and Engagement
- Diversity and Difference
- Belonging and Community
- Ethnicity and Language
- Religion and Faith
- Friendship and Affinity
- Home and Place
- Monitoring and Reflection
- Creativity and Recreation
- Aesthetics and Design
- Performance and Representation
- Innovation and Adaptation
- Celebrations and Festivals
- Sport and Play
- Leisure and Relaxation
- Monitoring and Reflection
- Memory and Projection
- Tradition and Authenticity
- Heritage and Inheritance
- History and Records
- Indigeneity and Custom
- Imagination and Hope
- Inspiration and Vision
- Monitoring and Reflection
- Beliefs and Ideas
- Knowledge and Interpretation
- Ideologies and Imaginaries
- Reason and Rationalization
- Religiosity and Spirituality
- Rituals and Symbols
- Emotions and Passions
- Monitoring and Reflection
- Gender and Generations
- Equality and Respect
- Sexuality and Desire
- Family and Kinship
- Birth and Babyhood
- Childhood and Youth
- Mortality and Care
- Monitoring and Reflection
- Enquiry and Learning
- Curiosity and Discovery
- Deliberation and Debate
- Research and Application
- Teaching and Training
- Writing and Codification
- Meditation and Reflexivity
- Monitoring and Reflection
- Wellbeing and Health
- Integrity and Autonomy
- Bodies and Corporeal Knowledge
- Mental Health and Pleasure
- Care and Comfort
- Inclusion and Participation
- Cuisine and Emotional Nourishment
- Monitoring and Reflection