Berlin 2015

The 1st  Climate Change Adaptation: Strategies, Actions and Challenges Workshop was held in Berlin on 23-24 November 2015 and organized by the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (BMA) and the Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment. The workshop, involving participants from Barcelona, Berlin, Buenos Aires, Lyon, Liverpool and Sydney, brought together the Climate Metropole+ Initiative and the No Regrets Charter process.

Climate Metropole+ is an initiative of Barcelona Metropolitan Area (BMA) and Metropolis in co-operation with its partners Berlin, Liverpool City Region and Grand Lyon. The aim of the initiative is to exchange experiences and generate knowledge regarding climate change adaptation. The project started in June 2015 and will finish by December 2016. It involves four workshops in each of the partner cities: Berlin, Lyon, Liverpool and Barcelona.

The workshop presented the main challenges and possible actions relevant to responding to the negative effects of climate change. The aim of the workshop was firstly to learn how Berlin currently plans and implements adaptation measures across its urban area, and how resilient infrastructures are being developed in situ. A second objective of the workshop was to provide a broad framing of climate change adaptation using the No Regrets Charter principles to guide practice. Each of the cities described how their climate adaptation plans might align with the No Regrets principles for practice.

The workshop also discussed the plans, actions and challenges faced by the other partners in the Climate Metropole+ initiative: Barcelona Metropolitan Area, Grand Lyon and Liverpool City Region. An invited guest from Buenos Aires presented an overview of climate change adaptation in their city. Another invited guest from Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, gave a presentation on the conditions and approaches of the city of Cairo regarding climate change adaption.

Download the Climate Change Adaptation: Strategies, Actions and Challenges Workshop Report here.


Illustrations of ‘Berlin Climate and Energy Program’, Source: Presentation ‘Berlin’s Climate and Adaptation Plannning’, Christian Gaebler Permanent Secretary for Transport and Environment, Senate Department for Urban Development and Environment Berlin


  • Christian Gaebler, Permanent Secretary for Transport and Environment, Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment, Berlin
  • Barbara Berninger, Metropolis Regional Secretary Europe, Head of Division for EU and International Affairs, Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment, Berlin
  • Dr Heike Stock, Head of Urban Development Planning: Sustainable Development, Policy on Climate and Energies, Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment, Open Space planning, Berlin
  • Dr Fritz Reusswig, Postdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam
  • Gesa Homann, Special Department for Climate Protection and Energy, SR KE, Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment, Berlin
  • Gesa Homann, Special Section for Climate Protection and Energy, Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment
  • Astrid Endler, Special Section for Climate Protection and Energy, Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment
  • Kristine Köhler, Strategic Consultant, Innovation–Entrepreneurship–Collaboration, Berlin
  • Michael Abraham, Project Officer, Berlin Metropolis Cities Network
  • Harald B Ramm, Policy Officer, Berlin Metropolis Cities Network
  • Ana Romero, Head of Sustainability and Environmental Education, Environmental Services Section, Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB)
  • Meritxell Martell, Consultant to AMB for Climate Metropole+ initiative, Barcelona
  • Luce Ponsar, Climate Plan Manager, Grand Lyon
  • James Sharples, Policy Manager of Liverpool City Region, Brussels
  • Professor Paul James, Director Institute for Culture and Society, Western Sydney University, Sydney
  • Carl Philipp Schuck, Head of Climate Change Adaptation and Urban Resilience, Participatory Development Programme in Urban Areas, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Cairo
  • Nicolás Brown Bustos, Climate Change and sustainable Energy Manager, Environmental Strategies Direction of Environmental Protection Agency, Buenos Aires City

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